Posts Categorized:Hearing Loss

Nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes. Even more have hearing loss about 34.5 million. These are both significant numbers, and it seems there is overlap between these two groups. The National Institute of Health (NIH) recently commissioned a study that concluded hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes versus people without the…

People experience hearing loss due to a variety of factors, from genetics to aging to exposure to loud noises. You may assume that gradual hearing loss is just one aspect of aging that you have no control over, but managing the issue with a qualified hearing professional can greatly improve lifestyle. Losing your hearing isn’t…

If you work around oil well or oil drilling operations, your hearing is at risk. Statistics among workers worldwide show the long-term effects of the heavy equipment and noisy environment. In the U.S., more than 23,000 cases of occupational hearing were reported in 2007, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The Intermountain…

Hunting is popular in the Intermountain West with Montana and Wyoming having some of the highest rates of participation in the country. It’s not surprising given that it has some of the country’s best hunting. When a person thinks of the dangers associated with hunting, what often comes to mind are accidents with firearms or…

Tired of missing the action when your favorite show is on television? Does TV seem to lack clarity and be garbled even at volumes? Is your family frustrated because you keep asking them to repeat what a character said? HyperSound may be the answer. The HyperSound Clear 500P home audio system is revolutionizing how people…

Hearing loss is a common problem throughout the world, but there are still a lot of widespread myths about hearing loss myths that haven’t gone away. Here are some of the most prevalent myths that get passed around. Myth: All Hearing Loss is the Same No two people are alike; so it stands to reason…

There’s a big difference between being able to hear perfectly and being completely deaf. Hearing loss almost always happens gradually and can be measured in four degrees. We’ll take a look at these four degrees of hearing loss and how to better identify each of them. Mild Hearing Loss Mild hearing loss refers to a…

Chemotherapy can be a very beneficial treatment while fighting the battle against cancer. However, it can also have some rather severe side effects that may cause permanent impacts to the body, including hearing. Recent studies have linked platinum-based chemotherapy treatments to permanent sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors (PTSB). Hearing loss can…

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of things, from being around extremely loud equipment as part of your job to simply growing older. It can also be caused by your choice of leisure activities. The number of activities available in St. George and Southern Utah abounds. From the open roads with red rock…

Most people have an idea of the type of sounds that are best avoided preserve the hearing and how to how to protect it (wearing earplugs around loud machinery, not listening to loud music, etc.). But there are still many ways you could be losing your hearing and not know it. Here are just five…

What to Expect on Your First Visit
  • Get to Know You & Understand Your Symptoms
  • Discuss Your Treatment Goals & Medical History
  • Determine Your Stage of Hearing Loss or Tinnitus
  • Answer All of Your Questions or Concerns
  • Begin a Custom Treatment Plan
Hearing & Brain Centers of America are America's Highest Rated Hearing and Tinnitus Health Care Offices
Watch This Video to Hear About Real Life Transformations
The reviews listed are from actual patients of Hearing and Brain Centers of America. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
St. George | Washington, Utah 161 W. 200 N. Ste. 110 St. George, Utah 84770 Get Directions
Cedar City, Utah 1277 N. Northfield Rd., #A220 Cedar City, Utah 84721 Get Directions
Richfield, Utah 1090 Cove View Road Richfield, Utah 84701 Get Directions
Santa Clara | Ivins | St. George, Utah 1449 N. 1400 W. Suite C23 St. George, Utah 84770 Get Directions
Bountiful, Utah 575 Medical Dr Bountiful, UT 84010 Get Directions
We Provide Hearing Tests, Hearing Loss Treatment, and Tinnitus Relief to the Following Cities & Throughout Utah
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