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Identifying hearing loss can be difficult for those affected. It may be years before they get help. Here are ten symptoms of hearing loss for early detection.

Sometimes those affected by hearing loss, don't even know what they're missing.  They may not be aware that they're not hearing the sounds of birds, the blinker on their car, the beeper of an alarm of microwave, or other soft every day sounds.

Hearing loss left untreated can be a potential a health hazard (leaving on a car's turn blinkers, not hearing the oven timer, etc.)  for the affected person and others.  It also can be detrimental to relationships with arguments and squabbles over volume levels or inability to hear important sounds.

Unfortunately, hearing loss is not typically a condition people seek prompt medical attention for.  Whether it is a feeling of shame, blaming it on age, , how it may affect your employment, health care costs, the condition varying in severity, or just the uncertainty of not really knowing whether or not you're affected, too many people put off getting help for hearing loss. 

Identifying Difficulties

While each person's situation is unique, here are ten symptoms that may indicate hearing loss:

  1. Often ask people to repeat what they say.
  2. Think others mumble.
  3. Turn up the volume on the TV or radio.
  4. Have trouble hearing in groups, especially when there is a great deal of cross-talk.
  5. Have difficulty on the phone.
  6. Have difficulty hearing at the movies or theater.
  7. Being in noisy environments such as in restaurants or at parties is a strain as so many different people are talking. Or if in such environments, feign or avoid conversation.
  8. Have trouble hearing your alarm clock.
  9. Cut out activities that you used to love but have become more difficult due to difficulty hearing.
  10. Can't understand children due to their high pitched voices.

Taking Action and Getting Help is Important

On average, it takes a person seven years from the time they think they might have hearing loss to the time they seek treatment.  Since hearing loss is progressive, it's imperative to be proactive and get help.

It's important that people may be experiencing hearing loss listen to what others are saying about your hearing health and get they're feedback.  Your loved ones and those close to you can often identify hearing difficulty before you do.

Don't be too embarrassed to talk openly about not being able to hear.  By just accepting hearing loss as a normal part of aging and being resigned to it, you are greatly inhibiting your ability to live life to the fullest.

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